Sherlock Holmes were alive and "between cases," I think I could throw
a bit of work his way. I'd love to know, for example, what happened to
my hair. And my mind. Haven't seen either around the house for quite some
time now.
the case that is sure to have even the Great House Detective scratching
his head and reaching for his best magnifying glass is the Mystery of
the Missing Year. I mean, really now. What happened to the Year 2000?
Where did it go? In years to come, are we going to look back and say,
"Y2K? Never happened!"? Was it offended by our premature millennium party
at the end of 1999, where we called it the youngest year of the new millenium
when it really thought of itself as the grand matriarch of the old? And
with eyebrows arched in high dudgeon did it decide, like Elvis, to leave
the building?
If assigned to the case, I'm sure Sherlock would ask all the standard
questions: when did we see it last, and what was it doing at the time,
and did it have any identifying marks or say anything significant? And
all I'd be able to show him are some home videos and a few photos. Sherlock
would exclaim, "Come, Watson! The game is afoot!" And I'd reply,
"Well, actually, they're mostly under foot. And none is called Watson.
But I understand what you mean. I get their names mixed up all the time
in proper sleuthing style, let's don our deerstalker caps and examine
the evidence. Exhibit A: the home videos and photos. Yes, there certainly
was plenty of action by the usual suspects during the year, most of it
at high speed. If I look closely, I can identify the speeding blurs by
name. There! That long blur in the baseball uniform is Calvin! He joined
the 4th grade baseball team and now spends his weekends zipping around
the bases. And there! That noisy blur is surely Brian, who does everything
but his homework at top speed and volume. And that small blur must be
Michelle, back from kindergarten for a quick change into her ballet outfit
before zipping out the door.
there, in the middle of the whirling action, sit Mom and Dad, easily identified
by their glazed eyes and frazzled appearance. Poor things, they were born
in a slower age and simply don't know what to make of this need for speed
on the part of the pre-teen crowd.
Mr. Holmes, 2000 probably did stick around for its allotted 365, but don't
ask the old folks for any details. I know that the year started out with
the usual sojourn at the in-laws for the New Year holidays, followed by
a trip to Nagano for some skiing and snowboarding.
And I remember Brian graduating from yochien (kindergarten) and entering
shogakko (elementary school), and Michelle entering yochien. Big events
in both their little lives.
seem to recall baking out the winter chill on various beaches in HawaiiÑthat
must have been during the kids' spring breakÑand then trying every-thing
legal to cool off during the hot and sticky days of August. That was probably
when we went to Doro Kyo for a couple of days of mountain-cool camping.
remember playing ball with Calvin during warm autumn evenings, watching
his throwing, catching, and hitting skills improve with each toss of the
ball. That was a major highlight of my year.
I remember rediscovering a long lost interest in the night sky and buying
a telescope to see what could be seen. Mostly clouds, haze, and the glare
of city lights, (No wonder people in Japan walk around with their heads
down!) But the rare nights of brilliant starscapes and the spectacular
views of the moon, stars, planets, sun, and deep-sky objects made it all
yes, I do remember the work load in 2000. Lots of new and interesting
projects, many with deadlines that seemed to come from the previous year's
calendar. (Some of the web projects can be found on my business web site,
kyomedia.com.) In fact, between the work and the kids' schedules, I often
missed my daily swim, which has been doing wonders for my general health
and dieting programs.
I remember Yoko finding time in her busy schedule to absolutely devour
the four Harry Potter booksÑafter I had read them, of course. (I was beginning
to think that she couldn't read anything that didn't have a P&G logo in
the upper-right corner of the page!) Yoko also continued her weekly swimming
classes, and started doing Yoga every morning. She's in fine shape.
remember B being B, which means being top-gun goofy, whether he's imitating
Calvin walking in the Kumano river, mimicking stone figures at Nachi Falls,
or playing with the wind and waves on Kailua Beach, or...well, let's just
say that B has few inhibitions. He approaches life as he does a ski slopeÑat
full speed and straight ahead, without any bothersome turns or rest stops.
late in the year, Michelle began taking piano lessons together with the
boys, and loves every minute. She also did a modeling job for one of the
shopping centers on the island, and had a grand time, but Mom and Dad
freaked when they saw the Shirley Temple curls that the hairstylist had
given her for the photo shoot. Even when he had hair, Dad never had curls
like that.
didn't we end the year with another ski trip to Nagano before heading
back to the in-laws for Oshogatsu? Hmm. I think I just got a clue...if
we follow the tracks of the year, they lead right back to where we started.
So that's what happened in the year 2000. No wonder we couldn't find it.
It was right under our noses the whole time! Elementary, wasn't it?

& Yoko
Calvin, Brian & Michelle